Ideal 25 Piece Casual Wadrobe

Ideal 25 Piece Casual Wadrobe

Rag bone short sleeve tee
$50 –

American Vintage short sleeve top
$44 –

American Vintage loose fit top
$44 –

SELECTED heavy t shirt
$34 –

$16 –

Summer cardigan
$16 –

Pink cardigan
$16 –

White tee
$7.62 –

Knit top

V neck top

Slim fit jeans

Helmut Lang red jeans

Tory Burch flat shoes
$190 –

Topshop shoes

Bajra scarve

Alexander McQueen scarve

Alexander McQueen fringed shawl
$385 –

Gregory ladner
$22 –

Trench And Nude: A Working Minimalist Outfit

Trench And Nude: A Working Minimalist Outfit

Helmut Lang long sleeve shirt
$120 –

J Crew trench coat
$395 –


Hallhuber clothing
$14 –

Yay! The Real Neat Blog Award

Pain Positive

Thank you, Invisible Pain Warriors, for nominating me, I’m very honoured!  If you haven’t already found your way to this blog, please do – it’s a touching, well-written account of living with pain.


The Rules

  • Put the award logo in your post.
  • Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  • Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blog.
  • Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blog.
  • Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog)

I was asked:

Would you rather watch a movie at home or watch it in the theater?  I used to love the cinema experience but find that it does nothing to help a headache! Also, my immaculate taste in films *cough*- crappy old 80s films / old black and white zombie movies – isn’t shared by many people and so I can only see…

View original post 291 more words

What Now? The Anxiety that Follows Graduation

You’d think that after walking across the stage would lessen the anxiety that grips my chest, but if anything it has made it significantly worse. Where do I go from here? Where will I be in 5 months, a year? It’s nerve racking but at the same time it’s refreshing. I am torn between wanting tomorrow to come and halting the world at Midnight so that it never happens. It’s a cycle that flips throughout my head, brain and nerves and I cannot seem to stop it. It is comforting and chaotic. It’s confusing and calming. It’s my life and I have no idea where it is heading.

Screw the Structure! Why I went outside Capsule Wardrobe Rules

Okay so I’ve been super interested in trying to fit my Spring/Summer clothes into neat capsule wardrobes. It’s a interesting concept, but I am finding that everyone is so specific about the number. It’s stressful to condense your wardrobe to exactly a certain amount and for me, it’s not logical.

So for this ‘spring cleaning’ wardrobe, I am going to be stepping outside my super cluttered life and narrowing it down. Although these mommy wardrobes seem so amazingly perfect, they aren’t logical for someone who is juggling a corporate job, lazy days, comfy chic and nightlife attire. It is summer after all! I need to include more than 33 pieces that are great for lounging ( t-shirts and sweaters) and I need to include core pieces that work with my schedule better.

So for the sake of this project, I’m going to be breaking my clothes down into 3 different categories

1. Classic Professional ( basic staples for work)

2. Classic Casual ( basic staples for living)

3. Colorful Additions ( that work for both).

I am not putting a number on the categories and I’m just going to see how it works. I want a minimalist ( 2 loads of laundry) wardrobe, but it’s not gonna happen right away. I’ll be posting mini capsules of my choices and stuff in the following weeks since this is something I feel is super important to destressing my life and decluttering my mind!